Quickly look up bank interest rates, gold exchange rates, foreign exchange rates, calculate savings interest rates, calculate loan interest rates. Financial, economic, and social news highlights
Manage your assets, loans and loans conveniently
🍀🍀🍀 Application features:
- Quickly search for savings and loan interest rates of banks by term.
- Quick comparison of interest rates of banks by term. With data of nearly 40 large and small banks in Vietnam.
- Calculate the interest rate of savings deposits by: gross interest, periodic interest withdrawal. Full interest rate information
- Calculate loan interest rates according to: principal balance, declining debt balance, borrowing with interest rate incentives. Full interest and principal payment information
- Export the table of interest and interest calculation data into EXCEL format.
- Look up gold exchange information (SJC, PNJ, DOJI, ...). Chart of domestic and world gold exchange rates. Time to update clearly and accurately
- Look up the exchange rate information from many sources. Chart of USD exchange rates. Time to update clearly and accurately
- Notice of outstanding financial, economic, political, social news, ...
- Quickly access the bank information page.
- Domestic and world gasoline prices.
- Manage your assets, loans, loans to help you.
- Back up secure data.
- Look up the lottery results, Vietllot.
- Choose random Vietllot number for you.
- Gentle entertainment, reduce stress.
- Market economy news: Gold, foreign currencies, securities, international and domestic economic information, ...
- Information on virtual currency market prices (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, ...). Price chart of each virtual currency. Update time is clear and accurate.
- You can suggest features to serve in the banking industry or in finance. We will realize that feature on the Interest app for you
We are working hard to update new features, and update more bank data, ... To get the best and accurate information to users.
📣📣📣 Please rate support, comment comments to improve interest rate app and serve your needs well.
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